Updated for v2.0.0-beta
<> - optional parameter
[] - required parameter
Name | Description | Cooldown |
/help | Displays all the available commands. | 10s |
/time | Displays the local date and time for the bot. | 5s |
/version | Displays the current version of the bot and it's dependencies. | 5s |
/invite | Sends the user an invite link for use of the bot in other servers. | 60s |
/support | Sends the user an invite link to the support server. | 60s |
/donate | Send the user a link to PayPal for donations. | 60s |
Name | Description | Cooldown |
/register | Creates a Shizuki profile based off of your Discord ID. | 60s |
/profile <user> | Displays the current user's or mentioned user's profile card. | 60s |
/bg | Customize your profile card with backgrounds. | 5s |
/setbio [bio] | Set the bio that's displayed on your profile card. | 60s |
/daily | Claim daily loot and currency. | 10s |
/rep <user> | Gives another user a reputation point. | 60s |
Check your mailbox for announcements, giveaways and events. | 60s |
/register | Creates a profile connected to your Discord account. (This is usually done automatically by chatting) |
60s |